OSP的经验丰富的医疗专家团队为提供商和健康计划提供优质的医疗保健服务。乐动体育 手机版乐动体育足球ld体育下载我们的团队包括企业软件平台,美国政府计划,数字创新和业务运营的专家。
学到更多Optimizing the healthcare system is essential for better productivity and quality performance. OSP’s team of developers can enhance and upgrade the healthcare solutions in modules, security, or interoperability sections with new custom components.
学到更多Medical billing managementrequires a non-fragmented workflow. Workflow management requires multiple medical billing process tasks that move from one step to the next until the task is complete. Some of these billing tasks include the processes of patient’s insurance eligibility verification, pre-authorization, appointment scheduling, medical coding to ensure accuracy with the right ICD 10 codes, validation, and explanation of benefits posting, and more. Every care facility and医院管理系统have their own set of billing rules that requires stringent management. OSP can learn about your current traditional billing system and its rules to bringhealthcare automation通过计费和索赔规则引擎。我们努力建立custom-made medical billing solutions这简化了详细的数据输入,完整的充电捕获以及持续发现和消除医学结算误差,同时提高了医疗结算解决方案的速度和准确性。
Automated appointment scheduling and tracking is one of the essential features of comprehensive and efficient medical billing solutions. Manual appointment scheduling is time-consuming and a process of hassle. A patient scheduling solution can save your time and take the hassle out of the task by automatically scheduling and tracking the patient appointments. Making appointment scheduling as a part of medical billing solutions, patient pre-registration is made simple.
我们可以建立medical billing solutions作为一个healthcare cloud solution根据您的要求。在没有验证保险资格的情况下调度患者可能对诊所的现金流有害。此外,调用保险公司检查患者的保险资格是一个有机而言之的任务。我们可以构建量身定制的预约调度系统,可以帮助自动化保险资格验证,同时设置程序和诊断的遇到表格。您还可以根据医生的可用性添加调度规则,以使您的医疗结算管理更高效。
医疗结算和编码是标准的标准方法ICD 10代码are established to categorize patient information records and dictate medical billing towards the insurance companies. According to the CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services), medical coding errors have caused around $16.73 billion in improper payments in FY2019. Medical coding, if done manually, is a highly complex process and requires a workforce. Still, medical coding errors can break the cash flow and revenue management of a clinical facility or hospital.
OSP has experience building medical coding automation solutions that can add pre-defined ICD 10 codes to appropriate treatment procedures removing the chance for error and further denial of a claim. We can build tailoredmedical billing solutions这有助于避免计费不准确和昂贵的错误。这些医疗结算系统可以识别并验证正确的CPT代码,并为您的索赔提供100%的准确性case management。
将EHR整合到medical billing systems解决了提供者面临的多次挑战,同时保持其医疗结算服务的最佳质量。ld体育下载将医疗保健计费解决方案与EHR集成,降低了人为错误的风险,导致非统一数据。这些患者计费而不是复杂且耗时,而不是复杂且耗时,可以从您的情况下导航和交换数据EHR系统and vice versa. These billing systems can become interoperable and remain under one management system.
医疗声明管理可以简化强大的集成HIPAA compliantmedical billing systems. EHR integration not only brings all the processes to a single platform but also helps to maintain the much-needed transparency in medical billing service. Themedical billing solutions随着EHR集成可以消除丢失的超槌和电子产生超级汇率,然后收取保险公司。综合ehr,ld乐动官方 不再需要投入他们的时间和努力来填写表格和过程医疗索赔。减少的计费工作量为医疗保健人员提供了更多的时间,专注于提供优质的患者护理。
医疗要求管理是医学结算系统中的中心过程。医疗保健要求管理需要医疗结算和编码,提交,更新和处理医疗索赔。这些医学权利要求与患者诊断,医疗治疗和药物相比。维持患者病历, interacting with health insurance companies, and issues invoices for the rendered medical treatment is time-consuming and complicated.
OSP可以工程师医疗结算和编码解决方案that can simplify the electronic claims processing and paperless claims collections. We understand the tour needs in detail and build medical billing solutions to streamline the医疗结算过程and prevent communications from being lost in the mail. We can build comprehensive medical billing management for you by adding insurance payment listing, electronic claims processing, claims scrubbing, claims tracking, managing claims history, claims reconciliations, and electronic remittance advice and alerts.